showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Devil World  Nintendo1984 3dsvirtualconsole claiming demons dragonprotagonist dragons endless firstpartytitle instantdeath lives mythicalprotagonist score walking wiiuvirtualconsole wiivirtualconsole Lost in the maze of Devil World, Tamagon the Dragon has to steer clear of the Devil, his nasty co-Devils, and his treacherous helpers, Medaman, the Fried-Eggman and Bon-Bon, and ward off their attacks by breathing fire. After each round, the maze scrolls up, down, right or left. The Devil decides the direction and points with his finger. As you guide Tamagon through the maze, you also have to avoid being sandwiched between the walls.***Devil World is a Pac Man clone with an interesting new element. The maze is automatically scrolling randomly in all directions. So it can happen that you are trapped inside the maze and squished between the maze wall and boundary wall. Additionally there are not only "eat all dots" rounds, but also some rounds where you have to carry bibles found in the maze into the middle of the maze to win the round. These elements work pretty well and give Devil World the necessary extra dimension from being a simple clone.***Only released in Japan and Europe.

What little language usage it has, it's in English, even in the Japanese release.

The Japanese title reads approximately [i]debiru waarudo[/i] (Devil World).
Dragonstrike  Pony Canyon;FCI (Westwood Associates)1992 adnd bossbattles breathweapons consoleclassix dnd dragonlance dragonprotagonist dragons dragons-western fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest giantmonsters medieval monsters mp-cooperative mythicalprotagonist naturalweapons noports savepassword scrollingshooter tentaclecreatures uvl-sku NES-DS-USA
1 player or 2 player hotseat ,pde.
Choose a red, gold or bronze dragon to battle with. Each type of dragon has different abilities and dragons. Dragons have two different breath weapons. This is a scrolling shoot but the dragons can fly in any direction to the edges of the map. They can also fly at two levels, diving in close to take out small targets or to dodge aerial opponents. Dragons must battle dragon slayers on the ground and even other dragons. There are three levels of difficulty.

In 2 player mode, the other player immediately takes over the mission when the previous dies.

This game is notable different from the other version of DragonStrike in that is it an multilevel overhead scrolling shooter rather than a flight sim like the others.